Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Photographers Photo...

Ansel Adams:.
- The fact that the photographer can see, and what they saw - say, a far more important than the quality of technical equipment.
The negative - can be likened to the notes, and print - the concert. Each new show will be something different from the previous.

Ruth Bernhard:.
-If you're not too keen on his work, then you can make very nice pictures, but they will not touch the viewer to the quick.
- If you do not try to see more visible, there is nothing you will not see.

Bill Brandt:.

- A distinctive feature of the photographer - watch more intensely than other people. He must maintain a sensitive child who sees the world for the first time, or the traveler who enters a foreign country.
For the photographer, it is important to know what effect it makes the lens. The lens - it's his eyes, that he does - or ruining - photo. A sense of composition is also necessary. I think a lot depends on the instinct. Perhaps it can be developed, but I do not think this can be taught. To make a good photograph a young photographer must understand that there is a strong sense of. He should open his own world.

Henri Cartier- Bresson:.
- The basis of all poetry is. Many photographers are worn with some strange and absurd images, thinking that this is poetry. Not at all. Poetry usually includes two elements which are in conflict, and between flashes spark. But it appears only occasionally and is difficult to waylay. This is the same as if a man lying in wait for inspiration, it comes by itself when a person lives a full, enriching his life.
- Photography - is what are painting, composition, plastic rhythm, geometry, and placed in a few fractions of a second.
- I hope that we will never live in a world where traders will sell viewfinders engraved with compositional schemes.

Helmut Newton:.
- Photo - the process of seduction. No matter how powerless people in my life, at the time of shooting, he belongs entirely to you. Not all photographers manage to seduce the models. My wife and many others does not work. They are - honest photographers. I - dishonest.
Studio photographer killed, decimating white wall shot, I never work in the studio!.
- I am not the first time, saying that ... It will kill photo. It is killing her. This is a very serious.

Eugene Smith:.
- An artist must be selfish.
- What's the point in the depth of field, if you do not feel deep feelings?.

Ralph Gibson:.
-When you draw, then add to the already drew new lines, points, and so on until you finish. When I photograph, I move closer, to prevent any objects from the frame, then more and more closer, until the frame will not only what I want. I ...
- If you are shooting a reality in black and white film, you make three steps away from the reality: you remove the color, you reduce the size - the picture you have less than the reality, and you 're doing a flat, two-dimensional. B / W because it looks more dramatic that you've gone away from the reality on the three-step.

Robert Frank:.
- I am often accused that I deliberately distorting facts to suit my point of view. This is partly true, because the photographer can observe the life of indifference. His opinion - a kind of criticism. But the criticism may be in love.
- Black and white - the colors of photos. To me they symbolize the hope and despair.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Browse blogs - number 6 bomber - Igoreha - dvoechnik

That is the spirit and shines on the blog. I'm your guy in the board, honest and simple, sometimes even simple. For this I should be covered with gold and buried waist-deep in the ground.

In fact, the blog is really very simple. Igor describes his daily life at their school, interspersing manimeykerskie detail. Igor impresses me is the fact that no one is trying to teach. Moreover, he parades the fact that he dvoechnik ( lying, of course, Losers deduct ). But let five Igoreha! .

Igor still calls himself a rich. Not because he cuts in pieces of green from the internet - it is simple enough. Just calm the soul, Igor - he has a full life. And here let Igoreha five, I do not have this and is willing to learn.

Igor writes poorly. Honestly, does. He writes as he wants. How can. So read Igor and I are friends - and we see that friends with Igor six - the number of subscribers. I am the way, out of curiosity, and because we have exchanged links. But read it at least once should be. Because he writes Igor. It does not transfer or sell their positions. He believes that it is necessary to rivet their happiness his jackhammer. So Igoreha, let me five! .

In general, Igor - well done. Not because I wrote a blog. Simply, he is self-sufficient. In it I find myself at 20, when he went against society. He is confident in his abilities, he makes his own their needs. And he has his favorite man. I envy you, Igoreha, white envy. So let five and do their job, not paying attention to anyone. Only about bad students, I would reconsider an opinion in your place. Losers - a synonym for foolishness, and you're not stupid. deep IMHO.

Link to blog:. ihor. in. (rich, rich, and the domain of 0. 5 bucks ).

You also want a public beating?. Add to. list of death row. As a sweet pill ( after a couple of candles in the ass ) straight back to my blog ( PR2/tITs40, attendance of 200 people per day).

Friday, May 25, 2012


The post of head of department service named CDR. A. P. Gaidar Helena Veselova:.

Based on the children's library. Visiting specialists Nizhny Novgorod State Regional Children's Library was held Zonal Workshop ...
MUK CBS g. Arzamas was represented at the Workshop Head. Library - a branch of number 5 Balikhina E. P. , Head of. CDR service department they. A. P. Gaidar Veselov E. and. , Head of. information - computer center ... In. Librarian and Reading Room From Gubin. A.
The workshop consisted of two parts. Early Head. organizational - methodical department Ksenofontova T. In. conducted with librarians business game ... In a very short time, Tatiana tried to teach their colleagues to work competently and professionally with the information and be able to translate the meaning of the text in another form: a mini -text, t. e. text form, and graphics (graphs, charts, diagrams, tables ).

For what it is you just need a librarian? . Librarians have learned how to find in any text keywords and choose the methods of professional advertising ( metaphor, hyperbole, antithesis, and m. e).
In the second part of the Workshop Head. Department of reference - bibliographic service Chelysheva A. In. talked about how to conduct lessons in the library of children's libraries.
At the end of the meeting for everyone who wants an excursion to the museum - exhibition center Arzamas district.