Monday, May 7, 2012

Russia keeps a vector

The joint venture in the field of solar energy received the endorsement of the European Commission.

The European Commission approved the creation of a joint venture for the development and operation of large photovoltaic power in southern Europe between the group of Avelar Energy, controlled by Russian ...

Joint venture agreement the companies signed in March. The new company will be called Aveleos S. A. 59 % of the shares will be at Enovos, 41% - in Avelar. The main markets for the new venture will be Italy and France. The initial investment Enovos and Avelar in the joint venture will amount to respectively 36 and 25 million euros. In addition, Avelar will give the new enterprise solar parks with total capacity of 16 MW, which are constructed in the Italian Pule and should be put into operation in 2010. , The power for another 11 MW will Enovos.

Avelar Energy was established in 2006 to manage European energy projects, ... Avelar is one of the largest operators in the Italian solar energy market, whose development in recent years, stimulated by the state through reduced rates.

Enovos is formed on the basis of three of Luxembourg companies operating in the traditional energy sector - Soteg, Cegedel and Saar Ferngas. Along with traditional activities Enovos investing in renewable energy.

RUSNANO will help create a solar power plant in Stavropol.

The project will create a full production cycle, which includes the cultivation of nanoheterostructures, chip manufacture, assembly, module, production systems, tracking the sun and the assembly of solar photovoltaic. Technological foundations of the new production have been developed by scientists in St. Petersburg Physico-Technical Institute of the A. F. Joffe. The pilot line will be organized in St. Petersburg, and plant for experimental and serial production will be built in the Stavropol Territory.

... In a situation of shortage of the silicon concentrator technology development is more preferable, ...

It is assumed that by 2015 the volume of new plants will be about 85 megawatts per year, and revenues of the project company - more than 130 million euros. Its founders will Rosnano, ValeyPearls Holdings LTD, founded by private co-investors and the company ...

Cash contribution ... In addition, the implementation of the project is expected to attract 3.15 billion rubles from outside investors. The total project budget is estimated at 5.73 billion rubles.

At the signing ceremony was attended by Director General of ... F. Joffe, co-founder of ... F. Ioffe, general director of OOO ...

In solar power plants that will produce in the Stavropol region, using the cascade solar cells based on the new generation nanoheterostructures for photoelectric conversion of concentrated radiation, Fresnel lens, concentrating solar power to 900 -fold, as well as high-precision tracking of the Sun.

The proposed concentrator photovoltaic modules direct solar radiation incident on the surface of the Fresnel lens area, for example, 50 to 50 mm is concentrated in the cascade solar cell area of ​​less than 4 square millimeters. Solar cells with no overheat due to the use of specially designed heatsink.

For the production of cascade solar cells used in tandem with the concentrators will implement new methods of chemical vapor deposition of different semiconductor materials on a substrate of germanium.

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