Monday, June 4, 2012

New penalties from January 1, for violation of traffic rules

January 1, 2012 in Russia come into force amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences ( CAO), toughen penalties for traffic violations. The first increase fines for violations that cause traffic jams occur: running a red light, crossing the stop line at traffic light, and banning travel to the crossroads at the time of the mash with the creation of noise to the rest of transport.

Changes come into force in the Administrative Code can be divided into two parts. The first relates to traffic violations because of which, according to the authors of the amendments in the big cities traffic jams. In autumn 2010, replacing the leadership in Moscow, President Dmitry Medvedev demanded to solve the problem of congestion in the capital, including through legislative measures. United Russia has prepared, and the State Duma adopted amendments. In particular, since January 1, 2012 ten-fold increases the penalty for leaving the intersection during the cork ( if the driver does cause harmful interference to traffic ). SDA suggest that the driver must independently decide whether to wait until the cork will resolve, or continue to move. It also introduces a new penalty for crossing the stop line at an intersection, increasing the fine for running a red light (see. table).

In addition, since the new year camera fixing violations can send pictures and automatically fines, for example, for illegal parking on the lawn or on the playground ( the sanction is 1-3 thousand. rub. ). We are talking about ' offenses in the town and country planning ' under regional laws ( for example, the CAO in Moscow). We note that the cameras will be sent fines for violations under local law. The only relief for drivers pass inspection: now the inspector is not entitled to require the availability of this document and apply a fine of 100 rubles. On New Year's card will be required only when you make a CTP policy.

The second part of the changes coming into force, work for a taxi. Recall that after the mayor of Moscow was Sergei Sobyanin, Moscow authorities began to fight with the fish is. Moscow Mayor lobbied the Duma amendments, according to which all taxi drivers must have a work permit issued by local authorities. They gave approval documents from the September 1, 2011 (as of mid-December, in Moscow issued 10.5 thousand. permits), but the penalties for its absence are entered only with the January 1, 2012. For driving without these documents will be a fine of 5 thousand. rub. , Check the taxi drivers are the traffic police. We introduce fines for drivers of legal taxis (with permission), violating traffic rules. For example, now a taxi driver is obliged to give the passenger a check, provide information about the company's carrier, and telephone number for complaints. If these rules are not met, the passenger may complain to Rostransnadzor or the Department of Transport in Moscow. In City Hall has promised to work not only on the complaints of the population, but also with ' test purchases ', when an inspector under the guise of a client sits in a taxi.

Note that the following changes to the portion of the Administrative Code with even more stringent measures of the drivers waiting upcoming summer (effective July 1, 2012 ). Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the first single will be introduced fines for violating traffic rules for Moscow and St. Petersburg. For example, for travel to the band allocated for public transport, the penalty in these cities will be 3 thousand. rub. ( Now - 300 rubles. ), And in other regions - 1,5 thousand. rub. And for the parking or stopping where prohibited by signs or markings, the driver will pay 1.5 thousand. rub. But in Moscow or St. Petersburg - 3 thousand. rub.

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