Saturday, April 28, 2012

Internet marketing is minus 3.0

This book has really infuriated me. Much nonsense I have not met. In the book, terrible everything from endless self-promotion authors, terrible layout, blurred screen shots and finishing with useless case studies. It is not even case studies do not dare call - absolutely useless information, they can not give anything for the analysis and correction of other sites. Yes, sites should be tested prior to launch, but programmers are to blame - and all this banalschina covered with a thick layer of self-congratulation and generously poured incense ' grateful ' clients. But suck out of this book, and even pathetic to call it ' Internet Marketing 3. 0 ', just shows the utter lack of tact, and the authors of a sense of proportion. Plus, the authors throughout the book can not decide for whom they write the book - in the beginning is an appeal to the directors and business owners in the middle of the authors communicate with readers is a specialist in online advertising, media plans, and knowing how to count up ad templates.

The result is a complete mess, and if the book thrown all white, all unnecessary quotes, all praise of the authors and elementary blank pages, the book can be reduced to one sheet and cover.

After reading my elementary unclear what the book has received praise as annotation and recommendation from Mr. Igor ' Candle marketing ' Mann's book is not something that can give a rapid ' kick ' to whom it may be, but rather gives a completely wrong idea about Internet marketing and . Although the authors say, and all about ' tomorrow' of Internet marketing, but all their arguments about this yesterday, rather than the discovery of something new in marketing.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

IBM releases 256-core Unix server IBM Power 795

IBM. strengthens its position in the production. Unix-based systems. processors. Power7. , Including servers for large enterprises, releasing a new server. IBM Power 795. scalable up to 256 processor cores Power7.

Power 795 is the largest Unix- IBM Server today. It is aimed at large companies, working with powerful applications or combine on a single machine with multiple tasks IBM PowerVM.

IBM has also released several Power7- server younger line with one or two processors. In conjunction with the middle-class servers, released earlier this year, a new stage of progress Power7 line marked the beginning of the presence of such vehicles in all classes. IBM servers.

All new systems are available with Linux or AIX or i- OS (i is the new name IBMi5/OS IBM). They will compete with Unix servers from Hewlett-Packard and Oracle.

Few organizations need a powerful system as the IBM 795, therefore, according to Steve Sibley, director of marketing for IBM, the company hopes to data centers as the main buyers of 795. The new server will be able to easily support the huge number of virtual machines with 256 cores and 8 terabytes of memory.

Price of the new system starts at $ 500,000.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

On the way ' e-government 2.0'

Western analysts believe that c 2010. Many government agencies to enhance communication with citizens replace ... 0 ... 0. According to Russian experts, our country is not yet ready for such a scenario - social networks and similar solutions will be developed only on niche sites, but no official government portals. '.

This is a quote from the article 'Web 2. 0 goes to the state level ', which I learned from the early morning newsletter. Awake, I thought that we are talking about our own, domestic affairs, but quickly figured out all right, it does not belong to us.

Although, you never know, there are very real examples of two. 0 and we. What, and wrote a post here:. http://www. pcweek. ru/ecm/blog/andrey-kolesov/279. php.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Quiz: 'Your Dutch alter ego'

Here is a portrait and description of my Dutch alter ego: - Your Dutch alter ego - the artist Vincent van Gogh. In fact, you dear man ready to give our neighbor the most valuable thing you have, enjoy sun, sea and beautiful community of gay people. Just when it's bad weather, and you have too much work, you turn into a complete psycho. You acknowledge only the extremes, calm routine you can not lead to anything good.
Take the test and find out your alter ego Dutch.