Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ask a question and win money...

Bloginvesto. I will try to participate. Well, at least ask the questions, can get an answer instead of money. :) Contest Sponsor and its Vladislav Kvitchaty. promotion of sites.
Well, my questions come from the project which required the appearance of this site:.

a. There is a search request to add the name of the city. for example ' Bikes Tmutarakanske '. Without it ( the city) is a high frequency of high competition, with the city - Mid to high competition. Will the change of regional affiliation with Yandex push into the top if the tick 'Search in the region ...

2. How to determine Yandex. tematichnost resource. ? . tematichnost. this is what is mythical?.

3. Website bought options in Sapa. Up in the top of the reference mass. After some time, funding stopped and missing links. How will the process. pessimizatsii. , At once, gradually or not at all happen? . e. turns out that to maintain a specific position in the top, you need life-long infusions of money, until a natural reference weight not allow yourself to stay afloat?.

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