Tuesday, April 24, 2012

On the way ' e-government 2.0'

Western analysts believe that c 2010. Many government agencies to enhance communication with citizens replace ... 0 ... 0. According to Russian experts, our country is not yet ready for such a scenario - social networks and similar solutions will be developed only on niche sites, but no official government portals. '.

This is a quote from the article 'Web 2. 0 goes to the state level ', which I learned from the early morning newsletter. Awake, I thought that we are talking about our own, domestic affairs, but quickly figured out all right, it does not belong to us.

Although, you never know, there are very real examples of two. 0 and we. What, and wrote a post here:. http://www. pcweek. ru/ecm/blog/andrey-kolesov/279. php.

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