Friday, April 6, 2012

On the product terms ( branding ).

http://ecmclub. blogspot. com/2010/07/filenet. html. It is not just about proper names, but also about PR- promotion of products.

This, of course, not the topic of the SED, but has direct relevance to the topic of the SED- market. More specifically, it relates to the entire IT market (and any market at all), but for EDS it is now especially important.

Why not? . What is this transition?.

In expanding the range of products offered by suppliers, expanding the range of tasks, expanding the range of users. And the need for greater use of PR- methods to promote their products and services and greater use of mass media in this order.

By the way, why issues are important and ' identity ' ( what EDS, etc. ) And the fact that the thesis of ' live and without self-identity and well- lived, is already ' does not roll '. Other times come. Or already have come.

I am not an expert in the field of linguistics, linguistics, etc. But still, I have a fairly extensive practical experience in the media, looking at the processes in the terminology, the situation. Especially in IT all especially interesting, because the language here is very rapidly changing. My experience clearly illustrates the importance of language issues for the understanding and promotion of substantive issues.

Here is a general introduction. Now a private entry:-).

What is the local terminology problems are seen in branding. I will speak primarily about the software developer, familiar to me as a sphere.

a. Russian companies do not pay due attention to this matter, let it take its course. When problems arise, resolve them is much harder. Most importantly, companies do not take into account the perspectives of its development. Simply put, branding, custom fit for the developer is not suitable for replicable products, branding small companies - for a large. Branding, easy-to- flyers, is not suitable for publication in the media.

2. The style of our IT language (and writing documents such as press releases, etc. ) Comes from the English. But the Russian language by the rules is very different from the English. Even a simple translation of English text into Russian creates problems. The simplest example: in English there is no limit on the number of single-root words in a sentence. In the Russian cognate is not allowed even in the same paragraph.

3. This problem (n. 2) Many companies decide to create their own ' corporate ' language, which does not comply with the rules of the Russian language. All this works fine (and even good, t. to. lets get away from some of the problems ) at the level of corporate materials (leaflets, brochures, etc. ) And personal communication with customers. But as soon as the company enters a wider range of communication, including through the media, the problems.

The problem is that the transfer of ' corporate ' language ' Russian' is difficult to.

Then I can ask, ' you're talking about the problems of media and journalists? '.
No, I'm talking about the problems of the information provider.

Here are two stories.

a. I sent a press release to make news out of it for publication. In the simplest case - convert it from an enterprise in the ' Russian ' option. If it requires a high effort, then I can just throw out a press release to the basket and forget about it.
(to the question of why the press releases do not reach the Content ).

2. If the 'text' is necessary, I formally his ' I bring ', and that there will understand or not understand the reader, I do not care.

One of the objectives of PR - increasing the loyalty of journalists in relation to the company. If the company creates such problems for a journalist, his loyalty is reduced accordingly.

Here are the most common examples of problems.
How to write the product name or company:.

  • 1C: 8 Buhlateriya. 0, '1 C: Buhlateriya '8. 0 or '1 C: Buhlateriya 8. 0 '?.

  • LANIT ' Lanit ' or Lanit?.

  • EOS or ' EOS '?.

  • CASE or ' thing '?.

(note: only uppercase letters are used in abbreviations, in which case kavyki not needed ).

Not to mention that the official and actual very often do not coincide. It seems that the registration of companies, the owners have not even thought about what need the name not only for the registration documents.

JSC ...
How the organization will need to refer to the article: The company ...

But with the names of companies easier - the name of one. And the food - a lot. And a system of names for them need to think of a better.

To be continued....

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