Friday, March 30, 2012

Classification of activities, time and time Gross Net

16 hours of the day. A sense of time - sharpened. For the first time with such enthusiasm, not concentrated, but diffused, directed for the future, timing is. For the 'running in' a new system for time very well chosen weekend - enough problems, and at the same time, they do not require a high degree of tension.
I'm obsessed with organization, since I am the most disorganized person on earth, and for me this - the standard and ideal. Too much time is lost even in his youth, would not want to ' wake up ' too late for the accomplishment.

Once glance at the table and dry classification of my work, you can easily understand me, my preferences and priorities. The mystery, concealment of facts, frequently - the anonymity of unnecessary time and again failed me. I hope that a sufficient degree of openness ( world people ) does not hurt what was intended.
How do I see my current life? . And as befits a man of letters, words, categories and terms:.

classes of.

A. Key directions ( goals ). - Included in the net.

Healthy Lifestyle.
Education (University).
Esoteric and spiritual practices.
Job and Career.
Planning of activities.
Blog and blogging.

B. Non-core areas (maintenance of quality of life). - Included in the net.

Singing and music.
Reading scientific and educational literature.
Expanding horizons (read less serious literature review of RSS- subscription ).

In. Routine and loss of time. - Not included in net.

Routine at the University of.
Routine work on the.
Routine associated with the movement (transport, walking ).
Routine associated with the life ( meals, hygiene, etc. n. ).

T. Recreation and Entertainment. - Not included in net.

Watching movies / TV series.
Reading literature and entertainment magazines.
Actively listening to music.
Watch TV.
Internet surfing.
Computer Games.

The terms'. while the net. 'And unstated corollary above, but the implied. ' Time Gross '. borrowed from commemorate constantly in my records a. Lyubischeva.

'Time Gross ' - ' dirty ', natural, common calendar and time, of which 24 hours in a day regardless of the will of the individual. This is a common unit of measurement of linear time. lifetime.

' Net Time ' - ' clean ', taken on the key and not very time of the case, but does not include diversion, empty his waste, or routine actions. Net Time - what we spend for the benefit of himself or of our life.

Cloud Office 365 and PR

http://www. pcweek. ru / themes / detail. php? ID = 126049.

In preparing this material, I turned to the ' care of the hall ' - blog community. Came a little help (. http://cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/10/bpos. html. and. http://www. itblogs. ru/blogs/kolesov/archive/2010/10/21/83206. aspx. ), But too late: after.
send articles to the Editor. However, the information had come just in general were already known to me the information. But anyway - thank you all for participating!.

But here's what the question arises: why should refer to the ' hall ', where one would refer to ' friend ' who knows the answers to these questions - in the Moscow office of Microsoft?.

The answer is: it is impossible to do. Personally, I do not know how to do it.
On this occasion I want to make a statement here.

Two years ago I started using a new term - Cloud PR.
( He began to search for an entry on this subject and found it - it turned out she had done two years ago -.
http://www. itblogs. ru/blogs/kolesov/archive/2008/10/24/38424. aspx. There is all written in some detail ).

The bottom line: Now our IT market - or rather, in part, related to foreign companies (and this is a big part of the market ) - the main form of PR- work is a model of the cloud. Namely - the lack of feedback, anonymity, etc.

I often write on the PR- work and a very simple reason: it is related to my personal work, the quality of PR is directly reflected in my work on it as, and - perhaps more importantly - the number of ( performance).

In this regard, I must say that Delegations Western IT companies over the past three years (I'm very well see this line - drastic changes began in September 2007 ) built a system of relations with the media, which reminded me deeply layered defense against journalists.

Everything turns into a one-way flow of information, and incomplete and sometimes not very reliable. Get access to relevant information becomes more difficult. The complexity of contacts is constantly growing. The quality drops. This also applies to such seemingly purely technical issues, as the organization of overseas travel (I am about this, too, repeatedly wrote: http://akolesov. livejournal. com/187396. html).

Personally, I'm genuinely surprised by this: why do it.

An example of a press release informing about the Office 365 - is just one example, albeit a characteristic.
Nothing can be clarified ( not just anyone ). In the Russian media accessible for some reason disappeared important information are available at the U.S. initial press release....

In short, I just do not understand - why it is done, and from a business perspective of the companies.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dialogue and discussion of the forms in the library

Guidelines for the. dialogue and discussion in the form of children's library. / Chuvash. Rep.. Det. boy -. b -ka, compiled by. H. In. Gromov, D. A. Kuzmina. - Cheboksary 2009. - 26 to. ill. - (Course - on innovation, MY. 2 ).

from the originator.

The forms of the mass of working with children, adolescents and young people are extremely diverse. By their nature, they are mostly summary, complete with a stage of literary works, and they are usually preceded by a targeted individual work with readers. Mass work with readers should be based on the skilful use of social psychological principles of teaching communication. The librarian and the young reader is actively involved in the communication when circumstances exist that contribute to the mutual need and interest in joint activities. This principle is important to consider the work in the media. Another important principle - the principle of mutual information. Librarian is designed to do everything possible to become a source for young readers an interesting and vital information. It is necessary to create the conditions that have the kids for a frank conversation. It should respect the opinion of young readers. Time direct teachings of students dictate, guided reading edifying receding into the past. In place of dogmatic methodological schemes should come thoughtful, exciting, creative work of the mass associated with the real needs and interests of young readers.

The efficiency depends on the mass of the complex application forms at all stages of reading - predkommunikativnoy, communicative and postkommunikativnoy. By developing new approaches to media work, special attention should be paid to the activation of guys. Each library has a readers who have a creative imagination, organizational skills, communication skills developed qualities. It is important to make the reader complicit in such co-sponsors and the media work, which will increase its effectiveness.

... dialogue and discussion in the form of children's library. ...

The main theme of the edition - new and traditional in the conduct of mass actions. Purpose - to introduce the features of the. dialogue and discussion of the form. To take account of relevant new tools and techniques.

The recommendations will help you learn new techniques and apply creative original findings in the organization of debates, conferences and presentations, readers, to reveal the potential for librarians to conduct traditional events.

... dialogue and discussion of the form. in the children's library ...

  • ...

  • ...

In the section ... Interactive forms of library service. ...

In the section ... Discussion of the form. ...

optional forms of work.

by the rules of the organization of discussion and debate.

The publication also contains Appendices:.

Appendix 1. The approximate schedule for the submission of the book.

Appendix 2. Shape magazine readers.

Appendix 3. Sample questions dispute ...

Appendix 4. Sample questions dispute ...

Appendix 5. The material for the readers' conference on the story by Fazil Iskander ...

Appendix 6. Materials for the discussion of the book in an hour. P. Krapivina ...

Annex 7. The material for the reader, in the conference book. Pikul ...

Appendix 8. Recommendations for part-time reading a story in the Conference on. Soloukhin ...

Appendix 9. Map feedback.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

France - Val Thorens


In the morning the clouds were again, because Sveta Dima decided to go on this day in Albertville, and go shopping. Along the way they brought us in Val Thorens.

Navigator for some reason, chose the route of the road that runs along the other side of the valley. Winding road, the old and narrow. But did not want to turn around, so we decided to go to the end. Even Google Maps gives. the same route. In the end, we went to a normal way.

In the valley of the sun was shining and the whole day was perfect weather. This was probably the only full sunny day. In order not to lose time, we did not get off of the Val Thorens, and unloaded in Les Menuires.

After a few rides, we were at the heart of Val Thorens. It was really cool. Many excellent trails and more beautiful species in the Alps. Finally able to survey the panorama of Cime De Caron ( 3200m ) and then four years ago in the mist, somehow not impressed =). We descended into the valley Orelle, where he had lunch. After dinner, just once I got to the lifts and Perron Bouchet, they are very long and slow, but the views from the top are worth it. By the way, from there, you can go down to the top ofpistu in Val Thorens.

In the evening rolled back to Les Menuires. At the Pointe De La Masse did not go, t. to. These slopes have been in the shadow of the snow on them podmerz. Valley 's better to go around, so that always ride on the sunny side.

France - Departure and Results.
France - Meribel.
France - Tignes.
France - La Rossiere / La Thuile.
France - La Plagne.
France - Val Thorens.
France - Courchevel-Meribel.
France - Val d'Isere.
France - Les Arcs.
France - Arrival.
France - Prologue.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

In ahue

What a mess! . It's a shame it was losing about 100 villages in Travian for a miracle.

100 villages?!. I clearly underestimate the dependence of the game. Incidentally, I made ​​the TOR for the new game. I told you that I'm not a player. I am a researcher (human relationships ). no counterparts. Let's see what happens. The programmer, by the way, an excellent. So I do not recommend it to anyone ( but God forbid contact with him!), Because I want to download the full.

Shit, when will the new. seodiggest. ? .

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

StartapMMM in the market or the market

Here is the start-ups, there are investors who are consumers, there is a market. And there startapMMM, which is somewhere in between. This is a market where money is made out of money. In the start-up investment funds are invested money, which raises the cost of start-up itself, and then a startup sold for big money. Хильда-и-пузыри

That is, all investments are made in order to raise the price and discourage investment. No one expects that the start-up itself will make money. In today's collection of links you will find materials ( eg,. this. ) On how to inflate a new bubble of dot-com.

What can you say about that? . If you are interested in this way - the next Silicon Valley ))) What's next? . He collapses, who will lose their money, someone is working, but will remain on the market, those who have something under your feet. All the same Brin and Jobs.

What do you think? .

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yasha again chudit

On the other hand an obvious increase for all other projects. The funny thing is that the project has departed, where there was virtually no purchased, and all rested on the links to your own projects. The site is not in the bath, it just is not in issue. Here I sit, scratching turnip.

Where purchased - all grown up. Laughter, and only.

But umnenenky frame was replaced by an algorithm and shows we are now in the top. Similarly, with friends. Rama showed to all those who buried it ( I confess, I confess ) that there is a shot in the locker.

Psychological workshop - an unfaithful wife?

Long time we did not wash up anyone bones. But the summer was busy with one hand at work, on the other hand, unloaded on a personal communication. So no new stories for a long time is not tossed. And if it were not for last Sunday, then you will be and this time without discussion.

Our today's hero is Bob, not to say that he married late, but the difference between him and his wife - five years. Once Bob made ​​a successful career, here at its take-off, and he married. However, the crisis has put everything in its place, a career was broken, the car sold for debt, and even a small house but it turned into a studio apartment. Bob was not discouraged, beat again, and slowly rises from the ground up professionally in another area.

But his wife Masha, who five years, sat on his neck, and then a couple of years she worked under the patronage of Vacy in the same company secretary (as long as both have been fired reduction ), more than lucky. She now manages a small chain of stores, as proprietress came to the court. While at first the usual manager was arranged at the relaying papers. The girl she is, quite frankly, not a genius, but an ambitious and domineering, and youth and inexperience have in the past.

The situation is that Vasya's suspicion in a virtual (or worse, real ) novel way spouses. Even at the dawn of the relationship (when she nearly died of boredom sitting at home with the child ) he catch it on a virtual flirting with unknown persons. And now, amid all the losses and the uncertainty in their own abilities Vasilissa suspicion regained strength. Especially since Mary holds the password for ICQ somewhere deep in his head, and it does not check the outpouring of anonymous interlocutors.

To part with Masha, and in fact if suspicions are groundless - it happens, is equivalent to Vasey bankruptcy. He will lose the apartment ( bought in marriage ), to divide the child, and the salary Vasina now fewer cars and hardly allow him even to live comfortably with a minimum.

So Bob at an impasse. On the one hand, can not find anything and left as is. Masha is still on the job, and if delayed, within a reasonable. And what is there in ICQ - well, who cares?. On the other hand, want the truth. any.

yes. To fully understand the situation, you should know that Masha's regular claims to the Vase on the part of financial security. The brightest of the known, that ' I thought that went beyond the long-term. '. Here's Bob and doubts, not whether someone appeared more promising than it.

Beer laws

Drink, and drink beer - two different things. Drink, if wish, you can and yogurt.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hercules XPS 2.1 Lounge: curved contours of the sound

82729Press Service of Hercules announced to the Russian market speaker XPS 2. 1 Lounge. Special feature is a decent level of sound and exclusive design. The system consists of two satellite speakers and subwoofer subwoofer. The new conceptual design - a combination of classic black and smooth curved lines.

Wired remote control ( outdoor unit ) is equipped with a docking station for iPod with the ability to connect players, Zune or any other. The module has a large volume knob and bass jacks for headphones and microphone, which connects via cable to the corresponding input on your PC. In addition to computer and MP3-players, XPS 2. Lounge is connected to a CD / DVD- player, TV game consoles and any.

Wooden subwoofer with port tube and the Pass Band technology makes deep bass sound ( output power is 32 watts: 18 watts for the subwoofer and 2x7 watts per speaker, the peak power of 64 W ).

The complete set of XPS 2. Lounge includes an adapter for the iPod and Zune, cable to connect the sound source. New Hercules appears in the Russian retail at the end of May 2008 at an estimated retail price of 1599 rubles.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Wonder rope

jump_play2This gadget is designed for people like: simple office workers, suddenly realized that if they do not play sports, you will not be able to tie shoelaces and get snacks from the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, well kanechno, fitness fans in all its manifestations. If you are a successful middle manager, daily visiting the trendy fitness center, not only to maintain its shape, but also to explore with people who, in order to brief relationship, ie just for the sake of improving the reputation as coming up with the times, this device is indispensable for you. Soobstvenno this rope... Yes it is a simple jump rope. for jumping. But there is a BUT. While both say ... This can be a stopwatch, and the hop count, or even a calorie counter! . Now you have to pay attention, surprised, asked. Did you just jump it with an unusual gadget.

jump_play3By the way this thing the developers promise a continuation of the project in the near future, give the rope smarts. Just Imagine during the morning exercises, a summary of news from the photos and video, shows you the rope vascha. There is an incentive to keep yourself in shape =).

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Soon in Japan Pro Mtron SSD

mtron-1jpg-smallMtron company in the world known for its 3. 5 and 2. 5 inch SSD drives, with capacity from 16 to 64GB. The device is completely devoid of moving parts, and, consequently, their reliability is increased and the noise generated during operation is reduced. So, today introduced its new line of Pro with write speeds of 90MB / s read and 120MB / s, and the same series of Mobi write speed 80MB / s read and 100MB / s. Impressively for the SSD drive, but the device has no less impressive price, which in News.

For example, if you want to become an owner of two 32GB. 5 ... 5 ...

akihabaranews. com.

Multidisciplinary ' pen mouse' from P

News_13215_1_MDCompany P. Remarkably and unexpectedly, that in this case, optical mouse is encapsulated in a common enclosure handles, and looks not only attractive from an aesthetic point of view of innovation, but also gives the device considerable functionality. The device is in Plug. The possibility of using ' click ', entitled Ever very broad.

Beginning with the traditional use as neprosredstvenno mouse, and ending the use of this becoming available as a laser pointer. Device is definitely handy for owners of laptops. In addition, the advantages of the exclusive accessory will be able to fully appreciate the young people: multifunction device will write or draw on the touch screen and will be an unusual and fascinating tool for children's creativity. Yes, and ' write' on a conventional screen, you also can, and with much more impressive results than using an ordinary mouse form of the traditional. The cost of the device with the ability to purchase in Russia: 1450 rubles.

mobiledevice. ru.