Friday, March 30, 2012

Cloud Office 365 and PR

http://www. pcweek. ru / themes / detail. php? ID = 126049.

In preparing this material, I turned to the ' care of the hall ' - blog community. Came a little help (. http://cloudclub-ru. blogspot. com/2010/10/bpos. html. and. http://www. itblogs. ru/blogs/kolesov/archive/2010/10/21/83206. aspx. ), But too late: after.
send articles to the Editor. However, the information had come just in general were already known to me the information. But anyway - thank you all for participating!.

But here's what the question arises: why should refer to the ' hall ', where one would refer to ' friend ' who knows the answers to these questions - in the Moscow office of Microsoft?.

The answer is: it is impossible to do. Personally, I do not know how to do it.
On this occasion I want to make a statement here.

Two years ago I started using a new term - Cloud PR.
( He began to search for an entry on this subject and found it - it turned out she had done two years ago -.
http://www. itblogs. ru/blogs/kolesov/archive/2008/10/24/38424. aspx. There is all written in some detail ).

The bottom line: Now our IT market - or rather, in part, related to foreign companies (and this is a big part of the market ) - the main form of PR- work is a model of the cloud. Namely - the lack of feedback, anonymity, etc.

I often write on the PR- work and a very simple reason: it is related to my personal work, the quality of PR is directly reflected in my work on it as, and - perhaps more importantly - the number of ( performance).

In this regard, I must say that Delegations Western IT companies over the past three years (I'm very well see this line - drastic changes began in September 2007 ) built a system of relations with the media, which reminded me deeply layered defense against journalists.

Everything turns into a one-way flow of information, and incomplete and sometimes not very reliable. Get access to relevant information becomes more difficult. The complexity of contacts is constantly growing. The quality drops. This also applies to such seemingly purely technical issues, as the organization of overseas travel (I am about this, too, repeatedly wrote: http://akolesov. livejournal. com/187396. html).

Personally, I'm genuinely surprised by this: why do it.

An example of a press release informing about the Office 365 - is just one example, albeit a characteristic.
Nothing can be clarified ( not just anyone ). In the Russian media accessible for some reason disappeared important information are available at the U.S. initial press release....

In short, I just do not understand - why it is done, and from a business perspective of the companies.

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