Sunday, March 18, 2012

Multidisciplinary ' pen mouse' from P

News_13215_1_MDCompany P. Remarkably and unexpectedly, that in this case, optical mouse is encapsulated in a common enclosure handles, and looks not only attractive from an aesthetic point of view of innovation, but also gives the device considerable functionality. The device is in Plug. The possibility of using ' click ', entitled Ever very broad.

Beginning with the traditional use as neprosredstvenno mouse, and ending the use of this becoming available as a laser pointer. Device is definitely handy for owners of laptops. In addition, the advantages of the exclusive accessory will be able to fully appreciate the young people: multifunction device will write or draw on the touch screen and will be an unusual and fascinating tool for children's creativity. Yes, and ' write' on a conventional screen, you also can, and with much more impressive results than using an ordinary mouse form of the traditional. The cost of the device with the ability to purchase in Russia: 1450 rubles.

mobiledevice. ru.

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