Friday, March 30, 2012

Classification of activities, time and time Gross Net

16 hours of the day. A sense of time - sharpened. For the first time with such enthusiasm, not concentrated, but diffused, directed for the future, timing is. For the 'running in' a new system for time very well chosen weekend - enough problems, and at the same time, they do not require a high degree of tension.
I'm obsessed with organization, since I am the most disorganized person on earth, and for me this - the standard and ideal. Too much time is lost even in his youth, would not want to ' wake up ' too late for the accomplishment.

Once glance at the table and dry classification of my work, you can easily understand me, my preferences and priorities. The mystery, concealment of facts, frequently - the anonymity of unnecessary time and again failed me. I hope that a sufficient degree of openness ( world people ) does not hurt what was intended.
How do I see my current life? . And as befits a man of letters, words, categories and terms:.

classes of.

A. Key directions ( goals ). - Included in the net.

Healthy Lifestyle.
Education (University).
Esoteric and spiritual practices.
Job and Career.
Planning of activities.
Blog and blogging.

B. Non-core areas (maintenance of quality of life). - Included in the net.

Singing and music.
Reading scientific and educational literature.
Expanding horizons (read less serious literature review of RSS- subscription ).

In. Routine and loss of time. - Not included in net.

Routine at the University of.
Routine work on the.
Routine associated with the movement (transport, walking ).
Routine associated with the life ( meals, hygiene, etc. n. ).

T. Recreation and Entertainment. - Not included in net.

Watching movies / TV series.
Reading literature and entertainment magazines.
Actively listening to music.
Watch TV.
Internet surfing.
Computer Games.

The terms'. while the net. 'And unstated corollary above, but the implied. ' Time Gross '. borrowed from commemorate constantly in my records a. Lyubischeva.

'Time Gross ' - ' dirty ', natural, common calendar and time, of which 24 hours in a day regardless of the will of the individual. This is a common unit of measurement of linear time. lifetime.

' Net Time ' - ' clean ', taken on the key and not very time of the case, but does not include diversion, empty his waste, or routine actions. Net Time - what we spend for the benefit of himself or of our life.

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