Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Psychological workshop - an unfaithful wife?

Long time we did not wash up anyone bones. But the summer was busy with one hand at work, on the other hand, unloaded on a personal communication. So no new stories for a long time is not tossed. And if it were not for last Sunday, then you will be and this time without discussion.

Our today's hero is Bob, not to say that he married late, but the difference between him and his wife - five years. Once Bob made ​​a successful career, here at its take-off, and he married. However, the crisis has put everything in its place, a career was broken, the car sold for debt, and even a small house but it turned into a studio apartment. Bob was not discouraged, beat again, and slowly rises from the ground up professionally in another area.

But his wife Masha, who five years, sat on his neck, and then a couple of years she worked under the patronage of Vacy in the same company secretary (as long as both have been fired reduction ), more than lucky. She now manages a small chain of stores, as proprietress came to the court. While at first the usual manager was arranged at the relaying papers. The girl she is, quite frankly, not a genius, but an ambitious and domineering, and youth and inexperience have in the past.

The situation is that Vasya's suspicion in a virtual (or worse, real ) novel way spouses. Even at the dawn of the relationship (when she nearly died of boredom sitting at home with the child ) he catch it on a virtual flirting with unknown persons. And now, amid all the losses and the uncertainty in their own abilities Vasilissa suspicion regained strength. Especially since Mary holds the password for ICQ somewhere deep in his head, and it does not check the outpouring of anonymous interlocutors.

To part with Masha, and in fact if suspicions are groundless - it happens, is equivalent to Vasey bankruptcy. He will lose the apartment ( bought in marriage ), to divide the child, and the salary Vasina now fewer cars and hardly allow him even to live comfortably with a minimum.

So Bob at an impasse. On the one hand, can not find anything and left as is. Masha is still on the job, and if delayed, within a reasonable. And what is there in ICQ - well, who cares?. On the other hand, want the truth. any.

yes. To fully understand the situation, you should know that Masha's regular claims to the Vase on the part of financial security. The brightest of the known, that ' I thought that went beyond the long-term. '. Here's Bob and doubts, not whether someone appeared more promising than it.

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