Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dialogue and discussion of the forms in the library

Guidelines for the. dialogue and discussion in the form of children's library. / Chuvash. Rep.. Det. boy -. b -ka, compiled by. H. In. Gromov, D. A. Kuzmina. - Cheboksary 2009. - 26 to. ill. - (Course - on innovation, MY. 2 ).

from the originator.

The forms of the mass of working with children, adolescents and young people are extremely diverse. By their nature, they are mostly summary, complete with a stage of literary works, and they are usually preceded by a targeted individual work with readers. Mass work with readers should be based on the skilful use of social psychological principles of teaching communication. The librarian and the young reader is actively involved in the communication when circumstances exist that contribute to the mutual need and interest in joint activities. This principle is important to consider the work in the media. Another important principle - the principle of mutual information. Librarian is designed to do everything possible to become a source for young readers an interesting and vital information. It is necessary to create the conditions that have the kids for a frank conversation. It should respect the opinion of young readers. Time direct teachings of students dictate, guided reading edifying receding into the past. In place of dogmatic methodological schemes should come thoughtful, exciting, creative work of the mass associated with the real needs and interests of young readers.

The efficiency depends on the mass of the complex application forms at all stages of reading - predkommunikativnoy, communicative and postkommunikativnoy. By developing new approaches to media work, special attention should be paid to the activation of guys. Each library has a readers who have a creative imagination, organizational skills, communication skills developed qualities. It is important to make the reader complicit in such co-sponsors and the media work, which will increase its effectiveness.

... dialogue and discussion in the form of children's library. ...

The main theme of the edition - new and traditional in the conduct of mass actions. Purpose - to introduce the features of the. dialogue and discussion of the form. To take account of relevant new tools and techniques.

The recommendations will help you learn new techniques and apply creative original findings in the organization of debates, conferences and presentations, readers, to reveal the potential for librarians to conduct traditional events.

... dialogue and discussion of the form. in the children's library ...

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In the section ... Interactive forms of library service. ...

In the section ... Discussion of the form. ...

optional forms of work.

by the rules of the organization of discussion and debate.

The publication also contains Appendices:.

Appendix 1. The approximate schedule for the submission of the book.

Appendix 2. Shape magazine readers.

Appendix 3. Sample questions dispute ...

Appendix 4. Sample questions dispute ...

Appendix 5. The material for the readers' conference on the story by Fazil Iskander ...

Appendix 6. Materials for the discussion of the book in an hour. P. Krapivina ...

Annex 7. The material for the reader, in the conference book. Pikul ...

Appendix 8. Recommendations for part-time reading a story in the Conference on. Soloukhin ...

Appendix 9. Map feedback.

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