Thursday, March 22, 2012

StartapMMM in the market or the market

Here is the start-ups, there are investors who are consumers, there is a market. And there startapMMM, which is somewhere in between. This is a market where money is made out of money. In the start-up investment funds are invested money, which raises the cost of start-up itself, and then a startup sold for big money. Хильда-и-пузыри

That is, all investments are made in order to raise the price and discourage investment. No one expects that the start-up itself will make money. In today's collection of links you will find materials ( eg,. this. ) On how to inflate a new bubble of dot-com.

What can you say about that? . If you are interested in this way - the next Silicon Valley ))) What's next? . He collapses, who will lose their money, someone is working, but will remain on the market, those who have something under your feet. All the same Brin and Jobs.

What do you think? .

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